Today we had the chance to catch up with Patryk de Rosa the lead guitarist from PDR. After being in a dozen of fallout bands he was inspired by his girlfriend to continue playing his music. Today we will take you behind the man with the make up and expose some things he has never shared with his fans before.
GTG: How did you come up with, or decide on your name?
PDR: PDR means Patryk de Rosa. I have been in a dozen bands who all had a fallout. Then I decided to start my own band with a drum machine and my cat. Could not let my music go, plus I had a bunch of songs I had wrote with other bands. My girlfriend inspired me to record my songs, which I then put up my CD on CD Baby. Since it was just me recording I decided to just go with my name since it was just me. After I put my CD up I decided it was time to start recruiting.
GTG: If Don Was were sitting next to you, what would you say to him to convince him to produce you?
PDR: I would tell him that I got a lot of ideas and music that people have liked. Plus we have a lot of potential. We would let him know were are a group that is willing to work. We would not try to question him and we know he knows what he is doing so we would let him do his job with no questions asked. It would not be hard to mold us into a great band since we have different styles and are pretty resilient.
GTG: If you had a limited edition 2012 Ford Focus designed for your band what would it look like? And what’s one thing that it would have to have?
PDR: I have driven a Ford Mustang for the last 18 years. So the first thing I would add would be racing suspension and rims. I also like to have performance so I would definitely need a turbo. I love to rev my engine and watch the other car speed away. You only race if you really need to, is the advice I would give to every racer out there.
GTG: Where did you hear about Gimme The Gig?
PDR: It was online and decided that I had to join after I knew the winner would get produced by Don Was.
GTG: What is the most outrageous thing you have seen at one of you gigs?
PDR: A woman dressed in cheetah outfit who was quite drunk and grabbed me and pulled me on the floor. I was abducted and forced to dance with while I was playing my guitar. It was very hard to play when all I could see was cheetah in my face.
I hope the fans of PDR were able to get to know the man behind the make up and find out things you have never known before. From everyone here at Gimme the Gig we would like to thank Patryk de Rosa from PDR for taking the time to allow us to interview him.
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